Safety Guidelines


To keep our community safe and thriving, we have included the following guidelines for your review.
We thank you in advance for abiding by the guidelines set forth to help create out sacred container in the dance.

Safety Guidelines

These guidelines have been created to support a safe, sacred space, and well-being for all participants.

1) We ask that you enter the dance hall with reverence and respect for the space and all humans. Please remember that Movement Liberation is a conscious embodiment practice. Our body is our primary expression and wisdom of choice. The first commitment to safety and integrity is with our principle partner, the self.

2) This dance floor is free from talking (except as needed for safety), lifting each other off the floor, photos, videos, intoxicants, and scents. Please turn off mobile devices.

3) If you are feeling uncomfortable with the way that a dancer is engaging with you, it is your responsibility to set boundaries. Here are some suggested tools:


There are various intentions and nuances for expressing boundaries nonverbally.

Part of our conscious dance practice is to pay attention to and respect nonverbal motions and facial/bodily gestures as complete expressions in and of themselves. Here are two examples…

  1. If you are dancing with one or more people, and your intention is to dance solo, you may try moving away and avoiding eye contact.

  2. If another person comes closer than you want, you may try extending your arms and/or legs to clearly define and carve out your comfortable personal space, avoiding eye contact, and not echoing the other person’s energy or motions.


Speak your request to the person. Be audible, clear, and concise.
The verbal request must be immediately respected by the other person.